I am committed to protecting any data I collect from you. By using my services, you agree to the use of the data I collect in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

I am committed to protecting your privacy, I collect the minimum amount of information about you that is in alliance with providing you with a satisfactory service. This Privacy Policy indicates the type of processes that may result in data being collected about you.

What information will Wellness Warriors Yoga Studio collect about me?

Mailing List Information

When you sign up to participate in or receive a service from Wellness Warriors Yoga Studio such as newsletters, details of offers etc., we may ask for personal information about you. This can consist of information such as your name, e-mail address, postal address, telephone, or mobile number. You can choose to opt out of the mailing list at any point.

The newsletter is distributed via Mailchimp, their privacy policy can be viewed HERE.

The Mail list is collected by Mailchimp

Safety Information

When you participate in one of Wellness Warriors Yoga classes, workshops, trainings, Event’s and Retreats we are required to request medical information about you to ensure that you are able to participate in our classes and can tailor sessions to suit your individual needs. Clients are advised not to undertake any strenuous physical activities without first seeking medical advice if they have any concerns over their physical condition.

We will request to obtain details of a next of kin contact for use in the event of an emergency, temperatures, any injuries, or conditions and for retreats and Events any allergies.

Your information is stored safely and securely and will not be passed to any 3rd party service provider (other than food companies that we are using for the event/retreat).

Payment Information

When booking online for any class/Event/Workshop/Retreat you will be asked for personal information like your name, contact information and bank details. Data in relation to card payments and booking online is processed by the company Momence (Momence- Privacy Police Here) and Stripe (Stripe – Privacy Police Here).

Should you choose to join a membership contract with Wellness Warriors Yoga studio we will require you to provide your financial information such as bank details and or card details and these are stored on the Momence website to ensure payment comes out each month. (Momence – Privacy police Here)

Online Classes

I use Zoom to provide online classes as part of the online membership. You can find Zoom’s full privacy policy here.

For you to be able to join the zoom class I will need to obtain your email address so that I can send you the zoom link for the class. You will also be asked for other information such as your name, injuries and contact number.

How will Wellness Warriors Yoga Studio use the information attained

I do not disclose any personal information obtained about you from this website and third-party websites I use (e.g. Momence and Mailchimp) to third parties. I may also use the information to keep in contact with you and inform you of developments associated with my business. You will be given the opportunity to remove yourself from any mailing list or similar device. If at any time in the future I should wish to disclose information collected on this website to any third party, it would only be with your knowledge and consent.

Wellness Warriors Yoga studio will use your information for the following purposes:

  • For “service administration purposes”, i.e. to respond to the request or service that you have requested.
  • To contact you about a submission you have made to the website.
  • To process payments relating to our services.
  • To keep your medical details on file for reference.​
  • To assist you with further information in relation to any areas you have expressed an interest in.
  • Where you have opted to receive further correspondence.
  • To inform you of any change to our services
  • Class links and booking information.
  • Tailor classes to suit your needs.

To keep you updated with any upcoming events/ Retreats that we have coming up via an opt out newsletter.


Like most other websites, when you visit the Wellness Warriors Yoga Studio, we may use small files which are stored on your hard drive by your browser (“cookies”) to monitor your use of our website. Once you have closed your browser, we do not use the information these cookies collect. There is a little cookie pop up window that shows up on the website, if you are fully entitled to deny any cookies but please note that this might affect the aesthetic of the website.

Pictures During Class

Please note that during classes/ events or retreats pictures may be requested to be taken. You can of course completely choose not to be in these pictures at any time and there will always be a warning before pictures/ videos are taken.

On the health form, you have an option there to agree to pictures and video consent. I will always verbally ask permission also before taking any sort of pictures/videos.

The pictures/ videos attended will be used for promotional services such as website, social media, and mailing list.​

If you have any questions about my Privacy Policy, or if you want to know what information I have collected about you, please email me and I will be happy to let you know.